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Guide for Resellers: Adding a Whitelist Host

As a reseller, you have the ability to manage whitelist hosts for your clients. This guide will walk you through the process of adding a whitelist host on OrbixPlay's dashboard.

Benefits of Whitelisting

  • Access Control:  Even if a device does not have an active player license or private mode license, it can still access and play media from whitelisted playlists.

  • Security:  Restricts access to specific hosts, ensuring only authorized playlists are accessible.

  • Convenience:  Simplifies access management by allowing certain hosts to bypass license checks.

Steps to Add a Whitelist Host

1. Login to Your Account

Navigate to OrbixPlay Dashboard and log in with your reseller credentials.

2. Access the Whitelist Section

Once logged in, navigate to /whitelist. This will take you to the Whitelist management page where you can view all whitelisted hosts you have inserted.
whitelist list

3. Create a New Whitelist Host

On the Whitelist management page, click on the "Create" button to add a new whitelist host.

4. Enter the Whitelist Host Information

In the form that appears, you will need to enter the host information. Note that you should not enter the entire playlist URL, but only the host part. For example:

  • If your URL is https://test.com?username=test&password=test, the host is https://test.com.
  • If your URL is http://test.com:80?username=test&password=test, the host is http://test.com:80.

5. Save the Whitelist Host

After entering the correct host, click the "Save" button to add the host to your whitelist.

By following these steps, you can easily manage which hosts are whitelisted, ensuring that devices without an active player license or private mode license can still access and play media from these approved hosts.


Feel free to reach out to support if you have any questions or need further assistance.